ITSM for Housing Associations

Struggling to manage remote workers, tenant requests and maintenance? Handle resources, tasks and task allocation in one simple, easy to use platform.


Our outsourced IT support services are there to take all stress away and enable you to focus on what’s important in your business.

Professional Services

Our consultancy expertise and partnerships with ServiceNow means we can offer market leading ITSM solutions across a wide range of industries.

Some of Our Customers



How Brexit is having an immediate effect on IT decision making.

Whilst I am not into short term scaremongering or in the habit of publishing “doom and gloom” messages, it is interesting to see the most immediate effect the Brexit vote is having within the IT sector and on those involved with making decisions on technology in the coming months. On Friday 21st October, Microsoft released […]

Managed IT Services, ServiceNow

Be wary of using email and spreadsheets to run your business

By Tim Anderson: Head of Sales and Marketing; Technosys Ltd. A funny thing happened to me the other morning as I made the early commute into London. A smart looking business man, probably in his late 20’s or early 30’s was tapping out an email on his mobile and, due to the magic of the […]

email, Managed IT Services, single source of record, spreadsheets, Uncategorized

Tackling Operational Challenges in Housing Associations

Managing the day to day operations of a Housing Association is both demanding and time consuming for all those involved. Staff can lose time having to trawl through multiple different tools including email, spreadsheets and home-grown software, to find the information they need and there are financial implications too. Keeping track of maintenance projects and […]
